Track Supporters

Club Hotel

Mohr's Garage


Taylor's Parts Centre

Sport and Recreation

West-Tech Systems

Website hosting provided by West-Tech Systems.

2010 Ironbark Raceway Track Championship
Round 1, 13 February, 2010

Round 1 of the 2010 Ironbark Raceway Track Championship was held on February 13 after being rained out the previous weekend.

40 competitors battled away for a good start to the 2010 championship.

Tori Johnson won Junior Dragster with a 13.40 on a dial in of 13.1. Bike was won by Colin Seawright with a 6.389 at 115.89 mph on a dial in of 6.30. He defeated last years Bike Track Champion, Sonya Johnson, who recorded a 8.228 at 94 mph on an 8.1 DI. The Street final saw a double break out. Debra van'tHof ran 9.46 72.48 on a 9.48 and broke out by .0214. She took the win as Ashley Fleeting went 10.636 on a 10.75 and broke out by .11. Last years Track Champion, Mick Curran, hasn't lost any form, taking the win in Super Sedan. He went 7.507 at 93.67 on a dial in of 7.44 to defeat Alan Morrison who redlighted and then also broke out with a 7.767 at 93.67 on a 7.88. Modified was also decided by a redlight. The win went to Garth Fitzgerald with a 6.82 at 105.33 on a 6.00 and the runner up was Peter Basmadjian who recorded a 7.125 at 100.4 on a dial in of 6.85 but redlighted.

Results, Points after round 1
Bracket Winner
Runner Up
Modified Garth Fitgerald
Pete Basmadjian
Super Sedan Michael Curran
Alan Morrison
Street Debra Van'thof
Ashley Fleeting
Junior Dragster Tori Johnson
Bike Colin Seawright
Sonya Johnson
Track Supporters
Club Hotel Mohr's Garage
Fuchs Taylor's Parts Centre
West-Tech Systems Sport and Recreation