Sport and Recreation

West-Tech Systems

Website hosting provided by West-Tech Systems.

2008 Ironbark Raceway Track Championship

The 2008 Ironbark Raceway Track Championship is a points series to be conducted over 6 meetings.
Dates for the series meetings are February 23, March 10, June 21, July 12, September 6 and November 22.

Winners will be declared in each bracket as well as an overall track champion.

Track Championship Rules
  • Racing is conducted over three rounds of Chicago Shootout racing
  • Qualifying runs determine the start positions
  • The two finalists are those who win all three rounds of racing
  • In the event of there being more than two finalists, the two finalists that were closest to their dial-in, in the last round, will compete in the final
Points Allocation

Entry 5
Round Win 5
Round Lose 3
Final Win 5
Final Lose 3

Track Supporters
West-Tech Systems Sport and Recreation