Track Supporters

Club Hotel

Mohr's Garage


Taylor's Parts Centre

Sport and Recreation

West-Tech Systems

Website hosting provided by West-Tech Systems.

2010 Ironbark Raceway Track Championship

The 2010 Ironbark Raceway Track Championship is a points series to be conducted over 8 meetings.
Dates for the series meetings are February 13, April 4, April 25, May 15, July 17, September 4, November 6 and November 27.

Winners will be declared in each bracket as well as an overall track champion.

The winner of each class, at each round, will receive free entry to the following round.
The free entry is forfeited if it is not used for the following round meeting.
The 2010 Track Championship winner will receive free entry to the following seasons Track Championship meetings.

Track Championship Rules
  • Racing is conducted over three rounds of Chicago Shootout racing
  • Qualifying runs determine the start positions
  • The two finalists are those who win all three rounds of racing
  • In the event of there being more than two finalists, the two finalists that were closest to their dial-in, in the last round, will compete in the final
Points Allocation

Entry 5
Round Win 5
Round Lose 3
Final Win 5
Final Lose 3

Track Supporters
Club Hotel Mohr's Garage
Fuchs Taylor's Parts Centre
West-Tech Systems Sport and Recreation