Track Championship Sponsors

Taylor's Parts Centre


Track Supporters

Club Hotel

Mohr's Garage

Sport and Recreation

West-Tech Systems

Website hosting provided by West-Tech Systems.

27 April, 2013

Round 2 of the JP Racing 2013 Eighth Mile Drag Racing Series was held at Ironbark Raceway.

THANK YOU to all the volunteers who put in a great effort, it doesn't go unnoticed. A big fat special one to Mick Curren for getting our tree to work. All the competitors and other visitors for the day, you guys make it all worth while. John Winterburn, John Payne and crew. No John Payne no JP Series. Thanks John. Got a lot of welcomed feed back. Thanks to Shane Holmes from ANDRA and the rest of the ANDRA boys. Aaron Cochrin, Ross Sabine. Sadly Thos Mohr couldn't make the meet, but i'm sure he had his I pad at full volume in front of him. LOL. So much to say but don't want to bore you to death. Thank you so much to everybody who came through the gate.

Bracket Results
Bracket Winner
Runner Up
FG Loy & Sons Earthmoving Old School Lyn Stewart
Peter Baczynski
RD William Excavator Parts Modified Michael Cameron
Mitchell Dell
Ice Slushee Super Sedan Andrew Lange
David Morris
John William Auto Sales Super Street Robert Winterburn
Matthew Manteit
QLD Nameplate Group Modified Bike Simon Stevens
Matt Halpin
Diamond T Products Junior Dragster Dylan Leo
Caleb Oberg
Track Supporters
Club Hotel Mohr's Garage
West-Tech Systems Sport and Recreation